Baby Hunt 2.0 Week 28

How far along: 28 weeks 6 days

Baby H2.0: Weighs 1kg and is 37.6 cm from crown to rump, and is about the size of a Eggplant. As we learnt from last week she is actually measuring a little bit further along than this and is in the 80th percentile.

Gender: Baby Hunt 2.0 is a GIRL!!!

Weight gain:+ 5 kg since we found out, hating my weight gain but need to stop eating so much ice cream. What do I expect!

Sleep: Another alright week of sleep in the bag, I have developed a slight habit of staying up super late so I need to stop that.

Symptoms: The groin pain isnt too bad this week and my back seems to be doing pretty well. I feel like she may have dropped into a better position.

Cravings / Aversions: I am all about ice cream at the moment even though it doesn’t seem to be agreeing with me, can you develop lactose intolerance during pregnancy?

Maternity Clothes: Still trying to stretch my clothes to their limit, I just cant justify buying new clothes that I will only wear for the next few weeks.

Exercise: We had a heat wave this week so there was barely any moving of any kind.

Mood: Excited and still nesting, I don’t feel prepared even though we have just about everything we need.

Wedding rings: Off –  side note my engagement ring broke and I still haven’t fixed it which is why I am not wearing any rings at the moment

Belly Button in or out: It’s currently an innie, was last pregnancy as well so I am assuming it will stay the same.

Movement: She scared me a few times this week with some quiet moments but I have learnt that if she is quiet at night just to jump in the shower and that gets her moving.

What I miss: Feeling like myself!

Preeclampsia: I have been noticing a bit of swelling in my feet each night when I get home from work, I hope that is nothing.

Best moment of the week: Feeling her kick, there is honestly nothing better. We are also officially in the last trimester woo not long to go now!

Worst moment of the week: I walked into the door frame and dislocated and broke my baby toe! I can barely walk and the whole side of my foot is black and blue.

What I am looking forward to: My doctors appointment next Wednesday, I just want to make sure everything is going as planned.

There you have the week 28 recap, it has been a bit of a long week what with the heat wave and my baby toe issue. Glad to see the weekend, thankfully it’s a long weekend this one so I am going to relax and possibly head on up to my father’s house to spend the day in the pool trying to get all this baby weight off my back and hips.

Did you have to suffer through a heat wave whilst pregnant too?

Summer Makeup Hacks

I love makeup, I feel like it is my warrior paint. I slap on a full face of makeup and I can face any serious issues work throws at me like a Girl Boss! However, with this horrible heat wave we have recently struggled through, the idea of putting layers of full coverage foundation, concealer, translucent powder, contour, bronzer, blush, eyeshadow, lipstick and highlighter just doesn’t feel as enticing as it normally does.

Even though we have air conditioners blaring down on us whilst we work, the constant fear that perhaps I am sweating my makeup off is enough to remove any powerful Girl Boss feeling that I may receive.

For piece of mind, I find that when the temperature reaches over 35 degrees Celsius I switch from a full coverage face to a “no makeup” fresh and glowy makeup look with a few simple switches that save on time too! This makeup is also easy to touch up and doesn’t require you to lug around a full makeup supply case.

Switch full coverage foundation to a BB or CC cream

Switching foundation from full coverage to a light-based cream will help you face feel lighter and can give more of a fresh-faced dewy look. Not to mention it’s much quicker to apply and they often hydrate the skin and contain a level of sun protection too.

Be light with concealer

In summer lighten up with the concealer by using it under the eyes to brighten up that area and then in a T shape down the forehead, nose and around lips to help even out the brightness. Simply set with a quick banana powder instead of baking with a translucent powder.

Swap the contour for bronzer

Instead of contouring and bronzing just use a big fluffy brush and bronzer in the usual contour area’s, cheeks, jawline, forehead and nose. This gives a glowing summer goddess look without the extra step.

Bronzer doubles as an eyeshadow

After bronzing take a small fluffy eyeshadow brush and cover the eyelids in the same bronzer used for the face, making sure to blend it out well. The different golden tones in bronzer help to create a multi-layered eyeshadow in half the time.

Invest in eyelash extensions

I love eyelash extensions, they create the drama of false lashes without the hassle of trying to glue them on yourself. They also don’t require mascara can skip that step each morning.

Don’t bother with liquid lipstick

I love liquid lipsticks, Jeffree Star and Lime Crime are phenomenal, but liquid lipsticks can occasionally cause lips to become chapped and dry especially during summer when the air conditioner is running full time and we are perhaps not as hydrated as we should be. Use a regular lipstick to keep your lips a little more hydrated, its also less likely to clump around the dry patches on your lips.

Glow with Highlighter

Add pops of highlighter on the apples of your cheeks, nose, inner corner of your eye and cupids bow to really help pull this fresh and glowing “no makeup” look together.

Finish with Setting Spray

To finish this look and lock it into place dowse your face in plenty of setting spray. If you are missing setting spray you could always substitute for hair spray, that is what I used to do in years gone by but would suggest against it as your eyelashes can become sticky.

This is my quick and easy go-to makeup guide whenever I am feeling like I am in a hurry or don’t want to wear too much makeup. I still feel powerful and confident like a girl boss but without the worry that I could be sweating streaks down my cheeks.

Do you have any summer makeup hacks?

Remove Self Doubt from 2019

We all write our own stories in different ways but so often we question and doubt ourselves and our achievements. Self Doubt can be our biggest hurdle and whilst some self-doubt can be helpful in avoiding mistakes it can also be responsible for squashing future goals and dreams. This year I plan to remove self-doubt from my mind and live my life free of critical judgement, this, of course, is a big claim and in itself in danger of self-doubt but in accepting this challenge I am muting my inner saboteur and persevering.

The methods below should help to remove negativity and critical judgement that can seep in when you are on the verge of a new and exciting chapter.

Analyse your feelings

If self-doubt does start to creep in, stop and analyse your feelings. Why are you feeling this way? What has prompted this sudden doubt? Ask yourself these questions and find the best way to answer them. Try to understand why your first gut reaction is to immediately start doubting yourself and try to combat this in a positive and kind way.

Embrace the unknown

When beginning a new chapter or starting something unfamiliar embrace the fact that you have no idea what the future holds and the fear that comes with that. Stand strong in the belief that you can succeed at what you are pursuing and at the end of the day if things don’t go as plan, mark it down as a life experience and learn from it. Nothing is too big to come back from as long as you have your health and your determination.

Celebrate your accomplishments

Often we focus on the negative accomplishments, we chastise ourselves for not doing something correctly or not succeeding in a goal we had. Concentrate on positive daily accomplishments no matter how small, celebrate the successes you achieve as you achieve them. Highlight the triumphs of each day whether that was handing in an assignment, finishing a workout, cooking a healthy dinner or simply making the bed first thing in the morning.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparison is the thief of joy, that statement is true in every aspect of life. If we constantly compare ourselves to others and the outward images they protect we can feel inept. Social media is a platform to share our lives but no one ever really shares their struggles, just their shining moments so try to avoid comparing your current situation to another person as most of the time they are not really sharing their true situation either.

Practice Self Love

Self-love is a gift we give ourselves, the less we put ourselves first the more likely we are to succumb to self-doubt and critical thoughts. Try and stay positive with your journey, honour all avenues that you end up taking and be proud of where you are in life. If you are not sure where to start they check out the #NovemberSelfLove Challenge for some guidance.

Talk it out

Find someone you trust and discuss your possible pitfalls that may cause concern or doubt. Let the fear that is bottling up inside you out, sometimes all we need to take a step in the right direction is to soundboard our ideas of people we know and love.

The new year is full of exciting energy, its time to start putting yourself forward and fully believing in yourself. Let 2019 be the year you achieve everything you wish to achieve.

Do you struggle with self-doubt?

What do you want to achieve this year?

Baby Hunt 2.0 Week 27

How far along: 27 weeks 6 days

Baby H2.0: Weighs 875 g and is 36.6 cm from crown to rump, and is about the size of a sweet potato.

Gender: Baby Hunt 2.0 is a GIRL!!!

Weight gain:+ 4.5 kg since we found out, stilling still this week weight gain wise and not complaining.

Sleep: I am actually having another pretty good week, I am hoping this great sleep continous into next week but I wont get my hopes up.

Symptoms: The groin pain is making my life hard! I wish there was something more I could do about it but I will just have to continue on seeing the physio and wearing belly bands.

Cravings / Aversions: I have been living off pesto pasta and ice cream this week.

Maternity Clothes: I wore my jeans with the belly extender today as I had a funeral to go to and lets just say they where pretty snug. I was worried I would pop a button.

Exercise: …………

Mood: Excited and ready for her to arrive but scared about juggling 2 little ones at the same time.

Wedding rings: Off –  side note my engagement ring broke and I still haven’t fixed it which is why I am not wearing any rings at the moment

Belly Button in or out: It’s currently an innie, was last pregnancy as well so I am assuming it will stay the same.

Movement: She is kicking like crazy, still breach so I have been getting a lot of head butts under my ribs too.

What I miss: Walking like a normal person.

Preeclampsia: No signs.

Best moment of the week: We had a scan on Wednesday and saw her in 3D, she looks like her brother. She is measuring a little on the bigger side 1.2kgs (2.64lbs) so we will see how long she lasts in there.

Worst moment of the week: Going to a funeral today, it was horrible. The poor man died suddenly and it was just such a shock. I cry at all funerals but I really struggled when his partner read out a letter to him.

What I am looking forward to: Levi’s birthday celebrations tonight and tomorrow.

There you have the week 27 recap, its hard to believe that exactly 2 years ago Levi had just made his way into the world and here we are now waiting for the next one.

We have almost finished her nursery and I am pretty happy with the results.

Have you got two little ones, how do you juggle your time with them?


A Letter to Levi on his second birthday

My little man is turning two on Friday, I cannot believe that time is moving so fast. I don’t post often about him on here as I feel that he cannot give permission and I would hate to post pictures and write about him only to hear years down the track that he resents that I shared so much of his early life.

I thought today I would break from that thought and write a letter to Levi reflecting on life with him for the past two years.

Dear Levi,

You came into our lives early at 34 weeks, the first sign of your impulsive nature and need to lead the charge. Early on we recognised what a beautiful and strong natured little man you were, captivated by the world around you and yet confident enough to jump in feet first to all new experiences life has thrust towards you.

As you grew we grew with you, being first-time parents we were learning as we went and if felt almost as if you sensed our anxiety and concern, never overwhelming us and falling so easily into a routine when your dad and I needed it most.

Starting childcare at 7 months, you were in your element. I had a harder time with the separation than you did and I was so pleased to see you flourish in this new environment. It shone a spotlight on your wonderful personality and I was so proud to watch the way you interacted with the other children, always so kind and eager to ensure that everyone is involved and enjoying themselves.

January rolled around and it was time to celebrate your first birthday, you were walking at this point but never satisfied with just celebrating your current triumphs you where already trying to run.

It seems that in the past 12 months you have grown from that little toddler walking around into a little gentleman. The kindness you have in your heart is so obvious with the way you interact with everyone around, always there to be silly and make people smile when you sense they may be a little down.

Chloe arrived in February and immediately the two of you became fast friends, it seems that despite her size she is your puppy dog and you cherish the responsibilities that come with looking after a dog.

As the year progressed you shone more and more, with feedback from childcare praising your strong-willed nature and perception, quick to pick up routines and lead the other children. You demonstrated your memory skills knowing all carers names, children’s names and which mummy and daddy belonged to which child.

This year your vocabulary has rapidly expanded and we have been on our toes ensuring that you do not repeat any unsavoury words. We have had a few slip-ups with you telling Chloe to Shut Up and mimicking dad when he said shit a few times but thankfully your words are pretty respectable. You can now form small sentences and can really articulate and express what you want and need which has made life much easier for everyone involved.

I started my university course in August and I was so worried about leaving you once a week alone with dad for the night whilst I went to class but you didn’t skip a beat. You cherished your time alone with dad and behaved well for him, letting dad know when it was time to eat dinner, have a shower, reminding him to brush your teeth and falling asleep at your regular bedtime.

In August we also found out we were expecting another baby and you were quick to get excited and let the secret out a little early to everyone at childcare. I cannot wait to see how you interact with your little sister, I am sure that you will be an amazing big brother.

Christmas arrived and we did have a slight hiccup with you being a little too short for your balance bike, so the mini trampoline we had stashed away for your birthday made a surprise appearance. You were spoiled by everyone this Christmas and we struggled to find a place to store all your presents.

As January has worn on your balance and coordinated have improved significantly, you are now riding your bike and scooter throughout the house and outside most mornings and evenings much to my dismay when we are trying to cook dinner or running late for childcare.

Levi, you are my shining light, the most amazing accomplishment of my life is having you as a son. I look at you most days and I cannot fathom how quickly all of this has passed and how grown up you already are. I am beyond proud of you and look forward to seeing how you will grow these next 12 months.

Happy Birthday bubba.

Love Mummy xxxxx

Parisian Chic

I am not sure what it is about the new year but I always seem to take stock of my wardrobe during January and think about the style choices I wish to make for the year.

After binge-watching Marie Kondo on Netflix I have thrown out a considerable chunk of my wardrobe in an effort to declutter and clean. This has lead me to look further into capsule wardrobes, minimalist style and Parisian fashion. It seems that the French have a knack for styling themselves in a manner that looks both effortless and fashion forward.

After many hours of searching, reading and pinning to Pinterest I seem to have found the basic guide that it seems most fashion-conscious Parisians live their life by.

A Guide to Great Style.
The Hunt Life.


When buying new clothes its okay to splurge if you know that the item you are buying will last. Look for items that are well made and will last years, check the stitching, lining and material, the better the quality, the more it costs, the longer it lasts.


When you are stuck for something to wear and not sure what goes with what it is best to stick to neutrals. Layering different shades of beige, black and white on top of each other is never going to clash. Keep it simple and add just one pop of colour where needed.


Take time to really understand what looks good on you and what you enjoy wearing. Choose items that you can comfortably throw on as you are running out of the house and have the piece of mind to know you look fabulous.


Trends come and go so quickly and it can be hard not to run out and purchase the newest fashion-forward item fresh off the runway. Time, however, is not always kind and fashion looks can so quickly fall out of style, it is always better to look for clothing that is timeless. There is often a reason that pieces have stood the test of time and having them in your wardrobe is more of an investment in style than a quick cool look.


Whether you are big, small, tall, short or in between tailoring items to fit your body is a must. When an item has been tailored correctly the overall look of the outfit is far greater, tailoring can turn a mediocre outfit into a stylish fashion moment. Choose items that fit your body well, to begin with, and then take them in to be tailored for your exact measurements, wearing something that just hangs on you is more likely to add extra baggage to your frame and make you look larger.


As with most things in life, confidence in your outfit and yourself is key. Style is not just the clothing you wear, it comes from within, how you hold yourself, how you interact with others and how you feel within. Walk out the door with a smile on your face and a confident attitude, which in turn radiates style!

At the end of the day style is what you make of it and no matter what, if you believe in the outfit you are wearing it is sure to provide the narrative you wish to project.

What are your style suggestions?

What is your go to outfit?

Baby Hunt 2.0 Week 26

How far along: 26 weeks 6 days

Baby H2.0: Weighs 875 g and is 36.6 cm from crown to rump, and is about the size of a butternut pumpkin.

Gender: Baby Hunt 2.0 is a GIRL!!!

Weight gain:+ 4.5 kg since we found out, another 500g grams gained. Not super happy but hopefully breastfeeding will help get rid of this pregnancy weight.

Sleep: Not too bad this week thankfully, it seems that I have a good week and then a bad week. It would be nicer if it was more consistent but I will take what I can get.

Symptoms: Still struggling with groin pain, I am really waddling now because of it too!

Cravings / Aversions: I have been cooking a lot this week which seems to help with my cravings.

Maternity Clothes: I am now officially wearing leggings as pants, judge me all you want its too hot and I am too pregnant to care.

Exercise: Exercise took a bit of a back seat this week as my groin pain is making it harder and harder to walk around but I did manage to get a few 30 minute workouts in this week.

Mood: A starting to get a bit tired of being pregnant

Wedding rings: Off –  side note my engagement ring broke and I still haven’t fixed it which is why I am not wearing any rings at the moment

Belly Button in or out: It’s currently an innie, was last pregnancy as well so I am assuming it will stay the same.

Movement: She gave me a bit of a scare this week when I woke up and she wasn’t really moving. Turns out I think she just wanted a little bit of a sleep in.

What I miss: Fitting into clothes properly.

Preeclampsia: No signs.

Best moment of the week: A bunch of baby clothes I ordered arrived this week, so frilly!!!

Worst moment of the week: Going to the physio to continue dealing with my groin pain and having the practitioner massage the inside of my thigh without any pants on. I didn’t think that would happen when I got dressed that morning and was wearing lacy underwear, never been more uncomfortable or mortified in my life.

What I am looking forward to: Putting the flowers on the nursery wall this weekend.

There you have the week 26 recap, I am really getting a bit tired of being pregnant, it doesn’t help that we are currently going through a heat wave either!

Where you silly enough to not plan your pregnancy and end up heavily pregnant through summer as well?


De-Clutter Your Wardrobe

Do you stare at your overstuffed wardrobe searching for something to wear but feeling like to you can’t find a decent outfit?

After watching Tidying up with Marie Kondo on Netflix I have been all about downsizing the junk in our house. Thankfully our house is not that bad as I have a habit of throwing out a lot when I change the house over each season but there is always room for improvement.

The one area of my house that always seems to fill with clutter is my wardrobe. I practice the method of facing the coat hangers a certain way at the start of the season and if they haven’t been changed to the other way round once the item has been worn I donate that item to goodwill. Still, it seems that clothing just turns up like magic and clutters my wardrobe yet I never feel like I have anything to wear.

All I see is clutter & dead people.

There is no easy way to start when downsizing your wardrobe but I like to follow Marie’s general structure and throw everything in a giant pile, no matter how distressing it can feel making a giant mess it will be worth it in the long run.

Once you have your pile of clothes start going through each item one by one, did you wear it last season? No, to the donation pile you go. Is this item a staple in your wardrobe, do you wear it often? How many of these items do you own? let’s be real you only need 1 to 2 different shades of blue denim jeans, any more and its just overkill.

When de-cluttering be realistic about the clothes you currently own, are you holding on to them for sentimental value? did someone buy it for you and it’s just not your style? Was it expensive and you feel guilty only wearing it a few times? Think about the reason you are holding onto these items.

Concentrate on your style, remove pieces that clash heavily with the bulk of the items you are keeping. Think about how items will pair together and work to create different looks out of the same items. Don’t get to hung up on the number of items you have, be more concerned with how well you can style them.

Remember at the end of the day its just clothes and they are only there to make you feel comfortable and confident. Decluttering can help remove unwanted stress in your life but it can also create stress so try your best to be open-minded and if at the end of the day you feel happier having a wardrobe filled to the brim with clothes as opposed to streamlined and minimal than that is your own prerogative.

Do you struggle with a cluttered wardrobe?

What is your best tip for decluttering your wardrobe?

Book Club 2019

Well, that is a wrap on 2018, what did you think of last year?

Did you manage to read all the books that you wanted too?

Where there any stand outs?

Check out last years Book Club book reviews HERE.

Ready to start another year and be inspired by another bunch of amazing books, I know I am. Let’s check out Book Club for 2019 shall we….

If you are a long time reader then you will know that I am an avid reader, there is nothing I find better than settling down to a good book or listening to an audiobook depending on what I am doing.

If you are also a lover of great stories I am sure you have heard about Reese Witherspoon’s book club Hello Sunshine Book Club. I am a big fan of Reese, I think she is the embodiment of the modern day confident, successful, always on the go, professional businesswoman. When I found out she was creating a book club I just knew I had to be a part of it and follow along monthly with her suggestions.

Each month I will list a book that I would like to read but leave the second option open to include the book of the month Reese chooses.

So without further delay here are the book club rules:

1. You DO talk about Book Club.

2. Review the book on your blog, facebook, twitter or what have you.

3. The last Tuesday of each month I will create a post with a few questions about each book along with my thoughts and reviews, if you would like to answer the questions just leave a comment with the link to your review and answers to the questions.

4. You do not have to read the books in monthly order but it makes it easier if you wish to read along with me.

5. Link back to this post to help create a larger community.

Let’s check out the list shall we:


The Hunt life book club pick –  WHISKY IN A TEACUP by Reese Witherspoon.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – THE LIBRARY BOOK by Susan Orlean.


The Hunt life book club pick –  BECOMING by Michelle Obama.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick –  WHERE REASONS END by Yiyun Li.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick –  ADELE by Leila Slimani.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick –  GINGER BREAD by Helen Oyeyemi.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick –  OCULUS by Sally Wen Mao.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick – THE CURRENT by Tim Johnston.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick –  HOW TO BE LOVED by Eva Hagberg Fisher.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick –  MY LOVELY WIFE by Samantha Downing.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick –  THE GONE DEAD by Chanelle Benz.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick –  BOTTLE GROVE by Daniel Handler.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.


The Hunt life book club pick –  DAISY JONES AND THE SIX by Tayloe Jenkins Reid.

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club pick – TBA.

I will continue to update this list as Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine book club picks come out, I am hoping that we don’t have any crossovers.

I am also currently reading and re-reading a couple of other books in my spare time this year as well as keeping up with my Uni reading list so may include a few extra book reviews if I think they are worthy.

What do you think of this year’s book club?

Do you have some book suggestions for me?


Baby Hunt 2.0 Week 25

How far along: 25 weeks 6 days

Baby H2.0: Weighs 660 g and is 34.5 cm from crown to rump, and is about the size of a cauliflower.

Gender: Baby Hunt 2.0 is a GIRL!!!

Weight gain:+ 4 kg since we found out, my weight is on the way up at the moment and I am not thrilled about it.

Sleep: Struggling with sleep a bit this week, looking forward to sleeping in on the weekend.

Symptoms: Went to the Physio to help with the groin pain but she believes is all back related and strapped my back but that doesn’t seem to be helping.

Cravings / Aversions: Had a bit of an odd week food wise, not really feeling like anything.

Maternity Clothes: I am at the point of no return, my jeans with the extender and my stretch work pants are getting a little snug I think it is almost time for maternity pants.

Exercise: I have been pushing myself to walk around for 30 minutes each day, just a gentle stroll but I think it’s helping me feel better.

Mood: A bit emotional this week but mostly just super happy still.

Wedding rings: Off –  side note my engagement ring broke and I still haven’t fixed it which is why I am not wearing any rings at the moment

Belly Button in or out: It’s currently an innie, was the hold last pregnancy I am assuming it will stay the same.

Movement: Getting a lot of kicks, especially first thing in the morning. She doesn’t tend to move too much at night thankfully.

What I miss: Being able to walk without a waddle.

Preeclampsia: No signs.

Best moment of the week: Setting up her nursery.

Worst moment of the week: The last few days things have started to get a bit hard, I am really feeling pregnant and exhausted.

What I am looking forward to: Putting the final touches on her nursery.

There you have the week 25 recap, it has been a bit of a tough week for me but I am still just soaking up every last moment.

When did pregnancy get start getting “real” for you?
